2014 Utah Winter Accounting Conference Program
Thursday, February 20
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm --- Welcome Reception* at the
home of Marlene and
David Plumlee
* with thanks to Cambridge Publishing for additional support
Friday, February 21
7:00 am to 7:30 am --- Continental Breakfast at the University Park Marriott
7:30 am to 9:15 am --- Session 1
Moderator: Sarah Rice
Chris Williams
"The Informational Role of the Media in Private Lending"
Alastair Lawrence
"Who's the Fairest of Them All? Evidence from Closed-End Funds"
Discussant: Wayne Guay
9:30 am to 5:15 pm --- Skiing at Alta Ski Area
5:15 pm to 5:30 pm --- Snack
5:45 pm to 7:30 pm --- Session 2
Moderator: Russell Lundholm
Nemit Shroff
"Financial Statement Audits as Costly Signals: Evidence from Corporate Investment Decisions"
Teri Yohn "What is the Value of Audited Disclosures to Equity Market Participants? An Examination of Market Consequences of Audited vs. Unaudited Annual Earnings Announcements"
Discussant: Miguel Minutti-Meza
7:45 pm to 10:00 pm --- Dinner at the University Park Marriott
Saturday, February 22
7:00 am to 7:30 am --- Continental Breakfast
7:30 am to 9:15 am --- Session 3
Moderator: Jennifer Blouin
Vivian Fang "Equity Vesting and Managerial Myopia"
Phil Stocken "Accounting Standards, Regulatory Enforcement, and Investment Decisions"
Discussants: Xiaoxia (Sasha) Peng and Shane Dikolli as Pingyang Gao
9:30 am to 4:00 pm --- Skiing at Deer Valley Resort
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm --- Apres Ski at Deer Valley Snow Park Lodge, Second Floor Lounge
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm --- Dinner at the Deer Valley Seafood Buffet in the Snow Park Lodge